A slew of articles and research attempting to explain the Great Resignation may be causing confusion. Employers are responding in a variety of ways, from raising wages to offering flexible schedules and focusing on work-life balance. 

These are all positive steps for employees, but is it enough? Recent research has uncovered that a toxic work environment is 10.4 times stronger at predicting company retention than wages*. 

This data suggests that employees are looking for more than just a wage increase. They are looking for organizations to value diversity, equity, and inclusion while creating a pro-social environment where workers feel respected and have the opportunity to interact with ethical leadership. 

In our book, Meaning-Centered Leadership: Skills and Strategies for Increased Employee Well-Being and Organizational Success, we offer an organizing framework that supports healthy organizational leadership. A framework that addresses many of the issues workers describe as reasons for disengaging and ultimately leaving their jobs. 

The three E’s: Engagement, Empowerment, and Expertise, outline how organizations and their leadership can support a pro-social environment where employees are recognized and respected for their efforts, and an unwavering ethical approach is understood. 

By focusing on the three E’s you can address the most commonly cited reasons for employee disengagement and resignation. We would honor the opportunity to support the implementation of the three E’s in your organization. For more information, contact us at info@meaningcenteredleadership.com.

 *C. Sull, D. Sull, B. Zweig, “Toxic Culture is Driving the Great Resignation.” MITSloan Management Review. 1/11/2022.