Six months before he was assassinated, Dr. Martin Luther King shared his message with a group of junior high school students in Philidelphia. He started by asking the students what their blueprint for life was. He stressed the notion that the students were building a blueprint for their lives and they needed a proper foundation.

He suggested that the number one thing on the blueprint should be an undeniable belief in your self-worth and dignity. He summarized: “…always feel that your life has ultimate significance.” 

Secondly, he observed that setting out to do excellent work is an intentional act and requires hard work: “…you must have as the basic principle the determination to achieve excellence.”

Dr. King acknowledged the difficulties that the students faced in their academic journeys, but he urged them, “…Stay in school.”  

He further implored these young people, that when they find their calling in life, they must, “…set out to do it as if God Almighty called you.”

His final words to these students were, “Be the best of whatever you are.”

Dr. King’s short but powerful message provides excellent guidance for us all as we seek to find meaning in our work and our lives. 

  1. Believe you have something of significance to offer.
  2. Stay determined to achieve excellence.
  3. Pursue Knowledge.
  4. Do your very best.