The Wellbeing Project has recently published a report that highlights the way individual wellbeing impacts welldoing. In the section of the report titled: Evidence Based Theory of Change, they describe the impact of individual wellbeing at the organizational level. Interestingly, they report many of the same things called for in Meaning-Centered Leadership. 

The MCL approach begins with Engagement born of trusting relationships, care and concern, and open communication with active listening. Similarly, the wellbeing project report describes how the participants in their study deepened their work relationships by connecting with each other as human beings. The report goes on to highlight the ways participants learned to focus on creating a culture of trust and care. One participant described how they created additional time and space to consider the wellbeing of the team. 

The participants in the study expressed that building a culture of trust and care led them to spending more time and space to consider the wellbeing of the entire team, inclusive of the leader. At Meaning-Centered leadership, we understand that organizational well-being is tied to organizational welldoing. It begins with building trust and care and concern as necessary elements of the organization. Without these foundational elements engagement levels will suffer. 

Our research into the practices of exemplary leaders found that they too focused on activities that demonstrated they cared about their followers. They did this while simultaneously structuring activities to bring people together in order to grow strong relationships throughout the organization. 

Strong organizational relationships built on trust and caring are foundational to having strong teams. From the wellsprings of these relationships, members in the organization are able to experience greater meaning in their work. As meaning grows, so does wellbeing. 

The wellbeing project concluded, “Our work shows that there is a profound need to support the wellbeing of changemakers so that they are able to help bring about the kind of change required to address the global challenges of society.” 

At Meaning-Centered leadership, we understand the pivotal importance of organizational wellbeing, and we provide leaders with an actionable plan to build personal and organizational meaning and wellbeing. 

Follow us on social media to learn more about Meaning-Centered Leadership, and the opportunity to be first in line to benefit from the Meaning-Centered approach described in our book-to be released in 2021.